Our products can be rented. View availability using the link in the site menu by selecting the desired city. The application can be left on INSTAGRAM or on WHATS"APP. Renting in other cities is discussed personally.




1. The rental cost of Accessories depends on place of rent. This cost applies to rental without alienation of the rights to use the content containing the product, i.e. The designer may use photos of his Accessories taken from the public domain at his discretion. The rental cost of Accessories with exclusive rights negotiated individually by the designer, depending on the product.


2. Accessories are given to the Customer for temporary use after making a deposit in the amount (the cost of the deposit depending on the cost of the product, this information is specified by the designer in advance). Once the Accessories are returned in their original condition, the deposit will be refunded.


3. Late returns are paid for each day of delay in the amount of 100% of the rental daily cost (the amount can be deducted from the deposit).


4. For damage, contamination, or loss of Accessories, the Customer bears full financial responsibility in an amount commensurate with the damage. Cleaning of oil, glitter and other contaminants is paid additionally in the amount of 70 eur (the amount is deducted from the deposit). Repair of a crack/chip measuring 1-5 cm is paid separately in the amount of 150 eur (the amount is deducted from the deposit). If more than 30% of the Accessory is damaged, the Customer pays the full cost of the Accessory.


5. Products for rent are in regular use: if you want a completely new product, there is an option to purchase.





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